Thursday, September 16, 2010

Excited for FF14

Final Fantasy XIV is going to be out in 6 more days! I wonder how it's going to be, and if the bugs that are all over in beta will be fixed in the short time between now and release.  I really dread the game crashes, especially while doing levequests -- especially considering the 48 hour (hopefully lessened by release?) cooldowns on those. Being locked out for the entire duration just for crashing during the course of one isn't my idea of fun.

I still can't decide between a Lala and a Mi'qote as my main...  Having played a Taru in FFXI, it's grown on me quite a bit, but for the life of me, I can't stand the way they run in 14.  I think they run too fast in proportion to their body size.  Like a Noggenfogger Elixir (small effect) + mount + run around kind of an effect.  And when you put them into walk mode, they walk even goofier than the Taru toddler "walk" mode.  Hard to push myself to the suspension of disbelief when there's this big uncanny valley to cross, especially when my Lala looks just like my daughter:

I know SHE would be tired (in real life) after 30 seconds of running like my character.  Who knows, it might be something I'd simply adjust to after a while.  That or I could play a catgirl...

I'd simply play a male, but the Hyur I designed after myself just ended up looking like Harry Potter or Shinpachi:

 At least the males in FFXIV are indeed less offensive than in WoW to me, but I still can't seem to feel right about it, like I could in Aion:

We'll see I guess.

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